A. P L A Y G R O U N D. T O. T O R T U R E D. S O U L S. V I S I O N A R I E S. I N. T H E. M A K I N G.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Out of character.

Small things please small minds.
I'm going to rant a little here, but all the same I find this highly annoying, especially over social network sites and things alike. Is it just me, or did with freedom of speech come small minded, nasty, irrelevant and at times just down right stupid people? Everyone is entitled to opinion, and those closest to me know I do like to voice mine from time to time.. But the thousands of people who chat absolute, complete and utter nonsense about subjects they know nothing if very little about drives me insane. I'm sure peoples parents taught them at a young age to stick up for themselves and their beliefs, which I applaud, but didn't they also teach them to be nice, well mannered, kind, tactful and to at least keep your nose out of other peoples business?